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Chia Plotting on Demand Service

You want to farm Chia? You don't want to set up expensive plotting hardware? You are in search of an affordable plotting service?

Chia plot engine generates downloadable Chia plots on demand for you!

check mark fast plots generated on demand as fast as you can download
check mark unlimited no download bandwidth limit
check mark convenient fully automated download and no custom downloader required
check mark relaxed plots are available for download for 6 month
check mark sustainable 2nd hand servers & renewable energies
learn more...
opening sales button Current wait time for first plot: 51 minutes.

How does it work

Public Farmer Key and Pool Contract Address Icon

You order plots and provide your Public Farmer Key and Pool Contract Address.

Generating Plots Icon

Our servers generate your first plot.

Download Icon

You can fully automate downloading your plots using established tools. The user dashboard provides a download guide.

Bandwidth Icon

As soon as you start to download, we measure your download bandwidth.

Parallel Plotting Icon

The number of plotting servers generating your plots in parallel increases with your download bandwidth.




How does plotting on demand work?unfold icon

Chia Plot Engine is a Plotting on Demand Service. That means that plots will not be generated in advance, but while you are downloading. Chia Plot Engine measures your download bandwidth and ensures, that after each complete download, the next plot is ready for download.

How fast can you plot?unfold icon

We are a Chia Plotting on Demand Service that can scale as needed. Every user will always have enough plots ready to download with their download bandwidth. Note that it may take some time for us to correctly estimate your bandwidth if it is far above 1 GiB/s.

What is your ecological footprint?unfold icon

We believe in Chia as a green alternative to current blockchains. As such, it is important to us to reduce our ecological footprint as much as possible. We do this by exclusively using renewable energies and second hand hardware for our servers.

How long does it take to create one plot?unfold icon

Creating one plot takes approximately 1 hour. However, we will plot on multiple servers in parallel to have at least one plot per user ready for download at any time.

Are my plots generated sequentially or in parallel?unfold icon

Depending on your download bandwidth, multiple servers will generate plots for you in parallel, so you can always download at maximum speed.


What is Chia?unfold icon

Chia Network is building a better blockchain and smart transaction platform which is more secure, more sustainable, and more powerful. For more informations visit

How big is a Chia plot?unfold icon

Chia Plot Engine currently offers k32 and k33 Chia plots, which are 101 GiB and 209 GiB respectively.

Should I buy k32 or k33 plots?unfold icon

The reward per byte is the same, but k33 plots need to be accessed only half as often. To perfectly utilize the space on each harddrive, k33 and k32 plots can be mixed. This is possible because k33 plots are not exactly twice as big as k32 plots. You can find out your optimal plot ratio here.

Do you support Pool Plots?unfold icon

Yes, we only support pool plots. Pool plots are associated to your Pool Smart Contract and enable you to switch pool or even farm solo at any time.


What is the connection speed of your servers?unfold icon

Depending on your download bandwidth, you are assigned multiple servers that generate plots for you, each providing up to 1 Gbit/s of download bandwidth that can be used exclusively by you.

How long are plots available for download?unfold icon

Every order is valid for 6 months. You can download your plots during this period. The plots will be created on demand for you.

How long will it take me to download my plots?unfold icon

Estimated download time:

Can I download from multiple locations simultaneously?unfold icon

A single order cannot be downloaded from multiple locations. However, you can place multiple orders using different pool addresses and download each order from a different location. Please contact us and tell us about your setup if that does not suit your needs.

How long are my plots stored for download?unfold icon

Your plots are plotted on demand according to your download bandwidth. This way plots do not occupy storage space and are accessible any time. However, we expire individual orders after 6 month to clean up abandoned accounts.

How many times can I download my plots?unfold icon

Each plot can be downloaded only once. However, you can continue interrupted downloads and even fully restart your download if necessary. But once the complete plot was downloaded, it will no longer be available for additional downloads.

Where are your servers located?unfold icon

Our servers are located in Germany and Finland. Don't worry in case you are far away from Europe, we tuned our servers for high latency connections, such that your distance to us is of no importance.


How do I know my Chia plots will work?unfold icon

You can check your plots. Please refer to the official Chia Wiki to learn more about how to check the integrity of your plots.

Can’t you steal my money with my public keys?unfold icon

Chia uses asymetric cryptography, where a pair of keys is used. A private key chosen by the user and a corresponding public key, derived from the private key. The public key is used generate plots, but the private key is needed to farm on them. The private key cannot efficiently be reproduced from the public key. Since you keep your private key secret and only provide us the public key, we can neither farm nor make money off the plots we generate for you. You can learn more about asymetric cryptography on Wikipedia.

Trouble Shooting

Where do I find my Farmer Public Key and Pool Contract Address?unfold icon

We show you where to find them in our tutorial video.

How do I download my plots?unfold icon

You will find an overview and download links to all of your plots in the dashboard. In addition, we provide ready to use download instructions to fully automate your download on Linux and Windows.

Is it possible to automate downloading my plots?unfold icon

Yes, in fact, we highly recommend automating your download. In the user dashboard, we provide ready to use download instructions to fully automate your download for both Linux and Windows using established tools. It is not necessary to install additional software.

Can I change my Farmer Public Key and/or Pool Contract Address?unfold icon

The Farmer Public Key and Pool Contract Address of an order cannot be changed. However, you can enter different Farmer Public Key and Pool Contract Address for every order you place!


How can I pay?unfold icon

We provide multiple payment options. You can with cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dai, Ehtereum, Litecoin and USD Coin) via Coinbase. Additionally, you can pay with PayPal, Sepa, Debit and Credit Cards, all of which are are processed by PayPal.

Do you offer refunds?unfold icon

As of our Terms of Service, we do not offer refunds. However, in justified individual cases, we may deviate from the Terms of Service. Plots that have been downloaded can never be refunded.